Lupus symptoms: Understand The Signs Of Lupus | Learn How To Detect The Signs | 21 Early Symptoms Of Lupus

2. Fever


Increased body temperature is one of the earliest signs of systemic inflammation. It happens when we undergo an infection because the body raises its alarms, and our immune cells create inflammatory cytokines. Upon reaching the brain, these inflammatory cytokines stimulate a series of changes that include the thermoregulation of the whole body. Thus, the brain sends signals to the muscles and blood vessels to create and maintain body heat as a way to increase body temperature and contribute to eliminating bacteria.

In lupus inflammatory reaction, the exact mechanism is triggered and does not need an infection. The body creates antibodies and activates an inflammatory response against healthy tissues, and the inflammatory mediators reach the brain with the same effect. However, in these cases, it is essential to investigate whether or not fever is caused by an overlapping infection or a reaction to medications, and only a skilled physician or a rheumatologist will be able to manage these symptoms appropriately.