Lung Cancer Symptoms: 30 Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer and The Top Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore!

19. Swelling of the arms

Swelling of the arms or face

In some cases, there is also an obstruction of the venous or lymphatic flow. When this happens, the liquid can’t return to the heart and continue the normal flow. So, it accumulates in the arms or the face causing swelling and edema.

Symptoms of lung cancer metastasis outside of the thoracic cavity

Cancer can also spread outside the thoracic cavity in a more advanced stage of the disease. Metastasis to distant organs happens because the lungs are in contact with the bloodstream. Cancer cells dislodge from the primary tumor and travel via the blood vessels to other organs. Depending on each organ, there’s a higher or lower chance of receiving lung cancer cells like seeds of new tumors. The most likely organs that metastasize include the bone and the brain.

Depending on which organ is affected by the spread and how it happens, the symptoms of lung cancer metastasis can be highly variable. They may include: