
Indigestion Symptoms: What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Indigestion?

The vast majority of people have ever suffered from indigestion, also known as dyspepsia. It is the most frequent medical consultation reason since up to 25% of the general population commonly experiences this common problem. Also, it represents 5% of all medical consultations. In most cases, this condition is not severe, because it is a consequence of bad eating habits such as eating too fast or eating very fatty foods. Still, sometimes it can be a consequence of a significant illness. For that reason, we will examine in detail some of the indigestion symptoms, as well as those signs that indicate that there could be something more serious.

Mild Symptoms

In some cases, dyspepsia is caused by different types of conditions, such as gastritis, diabetes, or pregnancy. Therefore, many of its symptoms and intensity will vary depending on these factors, as well as each individual. However, in general, we can list the following signs:

1-Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain

It is a feeling of discomfort with a varied intensity, located in the abdominal region, between the lower part of the sternum and the groin. It is a visceral pain because it is caused by the stimulation of the pain receptors of the internal organs and the visceral peritoneum. Besides, it occurs in more than half of the abdomen. Generally, it is a vague, dull, and nauseating pain, which can gradually increase or disappear. Furthermore, its exact location is difficult to specify, but it is commonly reported on both sides of the midline of the body during or after eating.

2-Burning in the upper abdomen

Burning in the upper abdomen

It is a sensation of annoying burning between the lower part of the sternum and the navel. It may be mild to moderate, intermittent, occurs gradually and increases with time. Sometimes, the position influences greatly in this symptom by increasing or decreasing the burning sensation. Its comes next to abdominal pain, and it happens during or after a meal. This sign should NOT be confused with heartburn, as its symptoms usually originate pain in the chest and can radiate to the neck to the throat. Instead, burning is limited only to the abdominal area.

3-The feeling of early satiety

The feeling of early satiety

Satiety is the feeling of being full after eating. Early satiety occurs when someone eats only a small amount of food and is already satisfied, so he cannot finish eating. Also, satiety lasts longer than it should; usually, after each meal, they spend 4 to 6 hours before being hungry again. With indigestion, this time can be longer, so someone with this condition is tempted to skip some meals. In these cases, it should be assessed whether or not early satiety is caused by indigestion or any other underlying cause or disease. Thus, it is important to ask your doctor about this symptom in case it is maintained for more than one day, as it is often associated with many other conditions.

4-Abdominal distention

Abdominal distention

By itself, abdominal distention is not a sensation, but a noticeable sign that another person or the patient himself may notice after looking at the mirror. Although it was previously thought to be caused by the presence of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, recent studies have ruled out that approach. It is a voluntary muscular maneuver, related to the posture, which causes the diaphragm to descend and move the visceral organs of the abdominal cavity down and forward. Even so, sometimes, abdominal distension and gases coincide, and that’s when patients have associated symptoms such as bloating and abdominal discomfort.



It is the sensation of increased abdominal pressure due to the accumulation of gases. When they spend more time than they should in the digestive tract, food becomes overly fermented by intestinal bacteria, which results in an excessive accumulation of gases. That causes a feeling of bloating. In addition, these gases have two ways to escape: 1) go up through the esophagus and burp out, or 2) follow the path of the digestive system and exit in the form of flatulence. Even so, belching is a less frequent symptom during indigestion.



They are the sensation that indicates the proximity of the vomit and, therefore, precedes it. Occasionally, dizziness may also occur along with nausea. This symptom may result from a chemical insult to the gastrointestinal system, a backward intestinal movement, and other nervous signals that trigger the gag reflex.



It is the forced and violent expulsion of what the stomach contains through the mouth. Along with nausea, vomiting is not a common symptom during indigestion, unless it is associated with binge eating, food poisoning, and certain health problems. Even so, people who have reported it said they happened shortly after eating. Fatty or heavily condiment foods may also cause vomiting.

8-Acid taste in the mouth

Acid taste in the mouth

This symptom occurs when the person has heartburn and implies an unpleasant sensation of acidic taste in the oral cavity. Although they are not the same condition, sometimes someone with indigestion can suffer simultaneously from heartburn. It also causes pain in the center of the chest, neck, and back after eating. It occurs when the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach does not close properly; thus, the stomach acid rises through the pharynx and reaches the throat.

Severe Symptoms

Severe Symptoms

Generally, indigestion is a self-treatable condition, since in most cases it is not necessary to go to the doctor, because the discomfort usually disappears in a matter of hours or days. However, if a severe illness causes it, the signs of dyspepsia may get worse over time. It is recommended to visit the doctor as soon as possible if any of these symptoms occur:

1-Vomiting with blood

Vomiting with blood

Also called hematemesis, it involves regurgitating the contents of the stomach, which contains blood. They may appear bright red, dark red, black, or look like coffee grounds; Its color depends on the location of the bleeding. Usually, vomiting with blood represents something severe. Bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract due to peptic ulcers or broken blood vessels is a common cause of vomiting blood. Other even more serious causes may be stomach cancer or pancreatitis.

2-Blood in the stools

Blood in the stools

When the person defecates, blood may appear as red, black, or tarry looking stools. As in vomiting, its color and shape will depend on the location of the bleeding. As a general rule, the further back the bleeding is in the path of the digestive system its color will be darker since the blood will be more coagulated. Thus, if the person observes red blood after a bowel movement or when cleaning with toilet paper, it could indicate a mild condition, such as hemorrhoids or anal fissure. On the contrary, if the stools are similar to tar, it could mean bleeding in the upper digestive tract, gastroenteritis or, being the most frequent symptom of this condition, colon cancer. Note that blood in the stools is also related to amebiasis and other infectious conditions that you may need to look after.

3-Swallowing difficulties

Swallowing difficulties

Also called dysphagia, it means having problems with the descent of food or liquids through the throat to the stomach; and with indigestion, it gets worse progressively. Some people have a cough or drown while trying to swallow. Others have the feeling that food gets stuck in their throat. It makes eating more complicated and often leads patients to feel less appetite and reject food. Swallowing difficulties are listed as severe symptoms because it needs careful evaluation since one of the diagnostic possibilities is cancer, which may be located in the mouth, throat, or esophagus. A tumor that grows in these parts of the body can narrow these ducts.

4-Involuntary weight loss

Involuntary weight loss

Pain in the abdomen, early satiety, and bloody bowel movements have a direct consequence on the patient’s weight since the last thing he wants is to eat. Because of the lack of nutrients, the body begins to metabolize the fat it has in reserve to be able to survive. That way, as the days go by, the person will notice that they have lost weight. For weight loss to appear as a consequence of indigestion, the symptoms should be maintained for a very long time, and we should also consider other causes of unexplained weight loss, such as diabetes, overactive thyroid gland, cancer or depression.



It is the feeling of tiredness and fatigue, along with difficulty breathing and dizziness. It occurs when there are deficient levels of red blood cells in the bloodstream. Although it is due to several factors, in the worst case, it can be indicative of internal bleeding.

Indigestion is an example of how an apparently mild condition should not always be taken lightly, as it may be how the body warns that something is wrong. Thus, it is important to know the warning signs and symptoms and not neglect your condition if you find concerning symptoms in yourself or your loved ones. Therefore, if this is your case, do not hesitate to consult a health professional because it is better safe than sorry.

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