The vast majority of people have ever suffered from indigestion, also known as dyspepsia. It is the most frequent medical consultation reason since up to 25% of the general population commonly experiences this common problem. Also, it represents 5% of all medical consultations. In most cases, this condition is not severe, because it is a consequence of bad eating habits such as eating too fast or eating very fatty foods. Still, sometimes it can be a consequence of a significant illness. For that reason, we will examine in detail some of the indigestion symptoms, as well as those signs that indicate that there could be something more serious.
Mild Symptoms
In some cases, dyspepsia is caused by different types of conditions, such as gastritis, diabetes, or pregnancy. Therefore, many of its symptoms and intensity will vary depending on these factors, as well as each individual. However, in general, we can list the following signs:
1-Abdominal pain
It is a feeling of discomfort with a varied intensity, located in the abdominal region, between the lower part of the sternum and the groin. It is a visceral pain because it is caused by the stimulation of the pain receptors of the internal organs and the visceral peritoneum. Besides, it occurs in more than half of the abdomen. Generally, it is a vague, dull, and nauseating pain, which can gradually increase or disappear. Furthermore, its exact location is difficult to specify, but it is commonly reported on both sides of the midline of the body during or after eating.