Diabetes Diet: 13 Healthy Foods For Diabetics, Diabetic-Friendly Menu

  1. Flaxseed



Including flaxseed in your diet can be a great way to help manage and even prevent symptoms of diabetes. Flaxseed is a great source of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and plant-based protein. Studies have indicated that flaxseed can help regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and improve cholesterol levels. It may also help to reduce insulin resistance and decrease risk factors for diabetic complications.

In addition to its health benefits, flaxseed is easy to add to your diet. You can sprinkle it on salads, soups, and cereals, or mix it into smoothies or yogurt. Flaxseed is also available in flour and oil form, which can be used for baking or cooking.

Including flaxseed in your diet can be a great way to help manage and even prevent symptoms of diabetes. Adding this nutrient-rich food to your diet can provide numerous health benefits and may help to reduce your risk of complications from diabetes.