Stomach Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer): 12 Early Common Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer You Should Not Ignore!

6. Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea is that uncomfortable sensation that indicates the proximity of vomit, as well as the activation of muscles that trigger the gag reflex. In some cases, nausea is associated with dizziness and may or may not lead to vomiting. When patients with stomach ulcers vomit, all or part of the stomach contents is expelled. It occurs when the sores are near the entrance of the intestine (duodenum) or due to intolerance to certain foods. There may even be bloody vomits, which can be red or dark. It is indicative of bleeding and should be interpreted as an alarm signal. When this happens, it is necessary to go immediately to the doctor to have access to the due treatment.