Leukemia Symptoms: 13 Early Warning Signs Of Leukemia You Should Not Ignore!

2-Recurrent infections

Recurrent infections

Depending on which cell line is affected by leukemia, it is highly likely that patients endure more infections than the average population. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia features a reduction in neutrophil count, and these white blood cells are essential to fight off microbial agents. Other types of leukemia reduce the effectiveness of different cell lines, such as lymphocytes, making the body more susceptible to viruses.

Depending on how low the white blood cell count goes, infections become more and more dangerous. Thus, it is important for these patients to pay attention to any sign and symptom of infection before it’s too late, and this is why they are required to take extra measures to prevent infections, such as isolation in the hospital, using mouth covers and other preventive measures.