Thyroid Disease Symptoms (Hypothyroidism): 16 Warning Signs of Thyroid Gland Diseases You Should Not Ignore!

15. Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders

In the presence of Hyperthyroidism, the body’s basal metabolism accelerates, so it is common for affected patients to feel abnormally energetic. These symptoms of Hyperthyroidism are caused by excessive levels of circulating thyroid hormone, which acts as a powerful stimulant. In these cases, the patients frequently experience restlessness, anxiety, heart palpitations, restless leg syndrome, and in more than a few cases, insomnia. Other patients with Hyperthyroidism complain of fatigue and exhaustion, while at the same time feeling anxious. All of these symptoms act as sleep disturbances with patients reporting difficulty falling asleep and waking up with the sensation of not having rested.