14 Most Common Signs of Gout: A Guide to Early Detection and Management

4. Limited Range of Motion

Limited Range of Motion

Limited range of motion in the affected joint is a common consequence of gout, which can significantly impact an individual’s ability to perform daily tasks and activities. As the joint swells with inflammation and the space around it fills with urate crystals, movement becomes more restricted and painful. This limitation not only hinders physical activity but can also lead to stiffness, making it challenging to bend or flex the joint normally. The severity of this symptom can vary from one person to another, but it often reflects the intensity of the gout attack and the degree of joint involvement.

Addressing this restricted movement requires a careful balance of rest and gentle mobilization exercises to encourage flexibility without exacerbating the pain. Healthcare professionals often recommend physical therapy as part of the treatment plan for gout to restore joint function and improve range of motion. Alongside medical treatments aimed at reducing uric acid levels and inflammation, adopting a proactive approach to joint health can help minimize the impact of gout on mobility and enhance overall quality of life.