
Breast Cancer Symptoms I 9 Early Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in a woman, but it is luckily one of the earliest to be detected and treated as well. For this reason, there are plenty of breast cancer survivors who have made this disease a popular banner in our culture. This is by far one of the most widely studied cancers, and still, there is no single diagnostic test sensitive and specific enough to detect all the subtypes. Therefore, doctors usually need to perform routine imaging tests, and check-up physical exams to detect lumps or masses early enough, start diagnostic procedures and early treatment.

As a part of breast cancer prevention worldwide, clinicians have used social media and audiovisual advertisement to promote auto-exploration. However, women undergo several changes during their menstrual cycle, and their breasts are usually part of them. In this article, we are going to describe the most common symptoms found in breast cancer and when to ask for professional help.

The most common symptoms are as follows:

Breast pain

Breast pain –

We have listed breast pain as the first symptom, not because it is the most common but because it is part of a common misunderstanding. Pain and tenderness to the touch is not as common as people think in breast cancer. In other words, if you have breast pain alone cancer is not the most likely cause. Pain symptoms may be located in the breast area or the underarm, and they only appear in inflammatory breast cancer, which usually involves swelling, redness, and other inflammatory symptoms.Read also: 14 Treatment For Breast Cancer

Thus, if you have breast pain, the most common cause is menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and certain diseases like mastitis, which is not the same as breast cancer. If you experience breast pain along with other symptoms listed in this article, ask your physician and perform a routine check-up.

A lump in the breast

A lump in the breast –

Another common misconception comes with breast lumps. They are quite common and may appear in certain parts of a woman’s hormonal cycle. Thus, evaluate how does your body behave during menstruation, and you will be able to rule out several breast lumps yourself. However, certain breast lumps are more suspicious than others.

Breast cancer lumps are usually irregular and firm. They feel solid and firmly fixed to the breast tissue. In most cases, they are not tender to the touch, but other women describe painful lumps that turn out to be cancer. They should be differentiated from cysts and fibroadenomas, which are more common than breast cancer, and will be visible through ultrasound and other imaging techniques.

Breast swelling

Breast swelling –

Swelling is a common symptom of breast cancer, especially in large tumors and inflammatory breast cancer. It is caused by a build-up of fluid in the interstitial tissue which is usually the result of a blockage to the venous or lymphatic return. In other rare cases, an inflammatory type of cancer is characterized by swelling, redness, and other inflammatory changes to the breast tissue. It is also painful and tender to the touch.

In some cases, swelling is severe enough to cause a visible change in size when comparing both breasts. In these cases, the skin feels tight and stretched, and it is often associated with breast pain. Thus, if you feel changes in your breast size or swelling that is not associated with your menstrual cycle, talk to your doctor right away to investigate its cause.

Swollen lymph nodes

Swollen lymph nodes –

Lymph nodes should be impossible to feel when you’re touching your breasts or the underarm area. In some cases, swollen lymph nodes in your breasts or your armpit would lead to an investigation of the root cause, and doctors would end up diagnosing breast cancer. However, in most cases, swollen lymph nodes are associated with infections and inflammation, probably due to a cut or bruise in a nearby area.

In any case, you need a physician to perform a full exam, and may even require lab tests to know the real cause of swollen lymph nodes. They are part of your immune system and would activate and start creating immune cells to defend your body from various pathogens, so you don’t need to think about breast cancer if that’s the only symptom you have.

Changes of texture in the skin

Changes of texture in the skin –

There are various skin changes associated with breast cancer. You may have a scaly skin or a thickened skin with itching. However, one important warning sign of breast cancer is called peau d’orange or orange-like skin. This is a type of skin dimpling that makes your breast similar to the outer peel of an orange, and it might signal a very aggressive inflammatory cancer.

Peau d’orange appears as a result of an irregular buildup of inflammatory fluid throughout the breast. Areas without lymph fluid would appear as a dimple, and would give the characteristic appearance of an orange.

Changes of color in the skin

Changes of color in the skin –

Another inflammatory symptom we should be careful around is a change of color in the skin. It may look like a bruise or become bluish or purple. An accident or another traumatic event can explain these changes of color, but if you have not experienced such a thing, it is a good idea to ask your doctor about this symptom.

He may need to rule out vascular causes as well as certain skin diseases. However, if you feel a painful lump along with color changes, swelling and other symptoms we have listed, breast cancer is a likely cause, and you may need to look for urgent medical assistance.

Nipple retraction

Symptoms of breast cancer –

Many types of cancer are located behind the nipple, and when they grow they may cause changes to the nipple structure. One of the most common nipple changes is inversion or retraction. This happens because the tissue behind the nipple remains deeply fixed to the tumor as it grows, and it ends up pulling the nipple to the inside.

Nipple retraction is common in some women as they go through ovulation, and you should be able to detect a cyclic pattern when that’s the case. If you have noticed recent changes on the structure of your nipples that are not associated with your menstrual cycle, you should talk to your doctor and follow his instructions to get medical advice adapted to your case.

Nipple discharge

Nipple discharge –

There are various types of nipple discharge, and most of them are not associated with cancer. However, it is another symptom you should take into consideration, and you will need to ask your doctor to perform lab tests and imaging tests in order to track down the cause.

Nipple discharge in breast cancer can be of a clear color, milky, yellowish or even greenish. It is often a foul-smelling discharge, and it is associated with other symptoms such as the appearance of a lump in the breast and inflammatory changes.

In every case, you would need to get checked up if you’re not breastfeeding and start having a nipple discharge. It happens to some women during their menstrual cycle, but in other cases, it is a signal of breast infections, hormonal imbalances, a side effect of certain medications or breast cancer.

Metastasis symptoms

Metastasis symptoms –

The most common metastasis in breast cancer is to the bone, brain, lung and liver. It is a late stage of the disease when the tumor has grown very large and undergoes progressive changes, ultimately becoming capable of migrating to distant organs.

Metastasis to the bones would cause bone pain and a susceptibility to fractures. Brain metastasis includes plenty of signs and symptoms depending on the exact locations of the cancer cells. It often results in vision changes, seizures and headache, and may even cause altered consciousness and changes in personality. Lung metastasis usually appears as cough and difficulty breathing. Liver metastasis results in jaundice and itchy skin among other symptoms associated with liver disease.

As you have seen throughout this article, most signs and symptoms in breast cancer appear in a late stage of the disease. Some of them are not as common as people tend to think, and even finding a lump in your breasts doesn’t mean you have breast cancer. Thus, do not delay your diagnosis and if you feel disturbing signs and symptoms ask your doctor about them and follow his instructions to get a proper diagnose.

There are plenty of routine methods to screen breast cancer, including ultrasound, mammograms, and continuous physical exams. A mammogram is usually recommended as a routine for women after 40 years of age, and before that time in women under suspicion of breast cancer.

Read also: 14 Treatment For Breast Cancer

In all cases, breast self-awareness is very important to avoid the complications of breast cancer by diagnosing and treating the disease as early as possible. Thus, become familiar with your own breast and learn how to perform your own breast self-exams. If you find a significant change, talk to your doctor and follow instructions. By doing that, you might not be lowering your risk of breast cancer, but you will improve your chances to fully recover from this disease and become a survivor of breast cancer.

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