Fibromyalgia: What is Fibromyalgia?, Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes –

Lifestyle changes are essential in the treatment of all patients with fibromyalgia. Lifestyle changes do not only improve physical and psychological symptoms of fibromyalgia, but also increases confidence among those suffering from it. Like education and behavioral therapy, patients should not take medications until they try all lifestyle changes possible. Lifestyle changes include:

  • Regular exercise and stretching, both of which have shown to decrease the intensity of pain and improve the general wellbeing of the patient.
  • Dietary changes may be needed. Although there is no concrete evidence as to its efficacy. Several reports indicate that some dietary changes may be beneficial including stopping caffeine -gradually-, alcohol and preservative-rich food like fast food, ready-made meals and any food containing artificial sweeteners or flavors. A balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins and unsaturated fats is ideal for patients with fibromyalgia.
  • Controlling your sleep, for even though most patients have an altered sleep pattern owing to their chronic pain, others have an already messed-up sleep schedule on their own. Sleep has a major role in nervous system regeneration and pain modulation. Controlling sleep pattern alone can control most symptoms of fibromyalgia.